

Hoje por falta de tempo (e por excesso de sono) não vou desenvolver nenhuma ideia nem vou divagar sobre nenhum assunto. Hoje vou apenas colocar aqui a letra de uma música que eu gosto imenso, Lethe dos Dark Tranquillity, e que eu recomendo sinceramente a toda a gente, se conseguirem e estiverem dispostos a ouvir uma banda Death Metal sem ter um colapso...eu tenho o álbum, se quiserem eu empresto.
Boa noite e até à próxima!

Give me the drink of the fluid
That disintegrates
And lend me the sweet balm and blessing
Of forgetfulness, empty and strong

Hold me near, unravel the stars
As I speed through the heavens
Speed through the night
For you are my blade and my rope
You are my

In currents of cobalt
You storm through my heart
To sever, to puncture
The memories that burn
Let sweep through the arteries
In sharp stabs of pain
Your talonlike fingers to kill me again

Steal me, invade me and charge me again
For I burn and I shudder
Burn with each movement of

So, cleansed through a floodlight
I appear; reforged and renewed
Caressed by the sweet balm and blessing
Of forgetfulness, empty and strong
Hold me near, my one friend and guide
As I drown through your fingers
Drown through your love
For you are the life I hate
You are my

Drag me down, in passionate sighs
With the ocean above me
And flames in my eyes
And grant me a life I can live

Música: Martin Henriksson
Letra: Niklas Sundin
Dark Tranquillity - The Gallery


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

10 janeiro, 2010 03:17  

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